

Validation of HTML

  1. The HTML code of this site validates to the relevant Document Type (W3C) and is created using current recommended standards.
  2. This site uses CSS for all design elements such as colour, borders etc.
  3. This HTML code is well-structured and should be visible in any browser that cannot display images and visual styles.
  4. A disable CSS link is provided for browsers such as PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) or for browsers that cannot disable the site design
  5. All pages on this site meet all WAI Guidelines at Priority Level 1 and Priority Level 2.
  6. Access keys are not used on this site for the following reasons;
    * they are not widely supported in modern browsers
    * there are no current standard access keys which may confuse users
    * they may cause problems with shortcut keys in certain operating systems.


  1. Skip navigation links are provided for screen readers to navigate to the main content of the page.
  2. Links are written in such a way that will help you understand what the possible content of the page the link leads to will be.
  3. All links will open in the same browser window except those stated below;
    * links that navigate outside of the current website
    * file download links such as Adobe PDF documents and Microsoft Word documents.


The size of any text on this site can be made larger or smaller as this site uses relative-sizing. Text size can usually be accessed from the View menu in your browser.

Browser compatibility

This website has been thoroughly tested and will work with the following browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox - versions 1.5.4 to 3.62
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer - versions 5 to 8
  • Opera - versions 7 and above
  • Google Chrome - version 4
  • Netscape Navigator - versions 7 and 8

Comments or feedback for the Developers

Kiswebs are continually striving to create websites that meet best practice and comply with all relevant guidelines and laws. If you encounter any issues while using the site, please contact us:

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